Nové laboratórium a rozšírené logistické priestory uvedené do prevádzky v BGS

BGS Beta-Gamma-Service, popredný poskytovateľ služieb v oblasti priemyselných aplikácií E-Beam a gama žiarenia pre radiačnú sterilizáciu a radiačné sieťovanie, vybudovala nové laboratórne zariadenia vo svojom závode vo Wiehli (NRW) a rozšírila svoje logistické a výrobné haly o ďalších 1 000 m2. BGS tak reaguje na zvýšený dopyt po sterilizačných službách v biotechnologickom, medicínskom a diagnostickom sektore. Nové laboratórium zabezpečenia kvality profituje zo zvýšeného počtu testov materiálov v divízii sieťovania žiarenia.
BGS Beta-Gamma-Service
Crosslinking orders from customers in the automotive, mechanical engineering, infrastructure and electrical industries, among others, are tested in the new laboratory. Copyright photo: Lina Sommer / BGS


More crosslinking orders and an increasing demand for radiation sterilization: With the expansion, BGS Beta-Gamma-Service in Wiehl offers its European customers from the medical technology, biotech, pharmaceutical and packaging sectors as well as the automotive, mechanical engineering, infrastructure and electrical industries new capacities. 

“The demand for sterilization capacities is rising, driven by new treatment methods and changing demographics. In order to meet this growth, we are constantly investing in our facilities and logistics capacities to ensure security of supply,” explains Managing Director Dr. Andreas Ostrowicki.

BGS Beta-Gamma_Service
The new logistics hall in Wiehl: BGS is continuously investing to meet the demand for sterilization capacities. Copyright photo: Lina Sommer / BGS

Biopolymers, recycling and more: research and development in the new laboratory

Common plastics testing methods are carried out in the new laboratory for the Radiation Crosslinking division. These include, for example, measurements to determine the degree of crosslinking and rheological measurements for customers from the automotive industry, mechanical engineering and the cable and pipe industry, among others.

“In cooperation with universities, research institutes and in collaboration with our customers, we are continuously working on the development of new radiation applications. These include, for example, radiation-crosslinked biopolymers for the electrical industry or lightweight construction applications and recycling methods for the automotive industry,” emphasizes the BGS Managing Director.

BGS Beta-Gamma-Service
For its achievements in research, the company was awarded the “Innovative through Research” seal by the Stifterverband für die Deutsche Wissenschaft e.V. in 2022. Copyright photo: Lina Sommer / BGS


More about BGS:

Autor: BGS Beta-Gamma-Service GmbH & Co. KG.

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